Thursday, May 28, 2015

Find ways...

28 May 2015
10 Syaaban 1436H


Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Stop. Pause. Relax.


"The rock seem too big and I feel like I may not make it.
That rock is big enough and it get bigger in my mind.
The voice in my head keep saying ..this is too hard!
But deep inside, there is a will which encourge me to keep going.
Find a way NOT excuses!"

Anything is POSSIBLE once you SET your mind to it.
That 's why you MUST SET your mind correctly from the beginning.
If I stay behind this big rock, I will go nowhere.
I will be here.
As I always do. I will stay here forever?
oh no!!!

It is time to change my thought, plan, strategy and actions.
Nothing can stop you if you believe you can.
Don't stop when you find it is hard.
Always find ways....

Like the famous saying..."take time to sharpen you axe, you will chop more"....

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