Friday, August 20, 2021

Doa amalan menuntut ilmu dan sepanjang zaman

 Tarikh dapat : 20 Mac 2021, 6 Syabaan 1442H Sabtu

Semoga dapat memberi manfaat pada semua. 

Sumber surah Ghafir ayat 44 : disampaikan oleh Ustazah Asma Harun
Sumber doa selamatkan diri dari kejahatan diri dan doa Atabah Al Ghulam disampaikan oleh Ustazah Norhafizah Musa

Doa pengharapan dan kebergantungan kepada ALLAH 

        Doa Perlindungan dari kejahatan diri sendiri

Doa 'Atabah Al Ghulam

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kehebatan "plant- based" food


1) My appetite improved, no more craving for certain food or beverage.

2) Food intake much lesser but still I am energetic throughout the day.

3) Feel more power 

4) Identify what food that my body cannot tolerate even though it is a plant-based food.

Ok lets get started guys... hahaahha.

Beginilah kisahnya, for the last 5 days... sha dah start consume plant based food. More green and less meat, chicken or fish. To start with, sha start consume jus saderi around 160z or 500ml at least per day. Dua hari berturut2 berjaya, diminum sblm tidur... serious rasa mengantuk.

On the 3rd day, sha tak dpt nak hadam lagi makanan sebab rasa mcm dh kenyang sangat... By the day, FYI. Masa sha start plant-based food ni, sha tgh qada puasa and one of my target was.. energies throughout the day walaupun berpuasa. And of course, bila dah aktif sangat hari tu... petang2 dekat nak berbuka, energy decline lah kann...

Walau bagaimana pun overall were EXCELLENT!

Hari ke 4 & 5, sha consume betul2 masa buka puasa. Bila azan Marghib, mkn kurma dulu, barulah minum jus saderi. FYI. Sha bukan minum Jus saderi semata2 yer. Sha blend batang2 and daun saderi tu dan minum kesemuanya. Tak de asing2. Bkn minum air perahan jus semata2 dan saderi tu di blend begitu shj tanpa tambah air, madu dan apa2 sahaja. 100% saderi batang2 dan daunya. So perbezaannya adalah, LEBIH MUDAH consume on EMPTY STOMACH berbanding perut dah kenyang. Minum before bed tu kira perut agak kenyang, so bila nk menghabiskan 16oz tu rasa nak kuar balik pun ade. TETAPI bila EMPTY stomach,  wow! Laju je menelan kesemuanya...hehehe.

Itu pengalaman sha la. Ape yg sha seronok sgt nak share ialah less than 6 days dpt kesan yg sgt menggembirakan.  

Oh ya, makanan ni walaupun plant-based ya, kena tgk badan masing2 jgk. Ade org bole tolerate dgn sayur2 kategori BERANGIN. Ade org ON shj semua.

Hari yg ke 5 ( hari ke 3 skip kan sbb kenyang sgt🤭), sha buat asparagus ala2 gril & sayur labu. Hmmmm....jeng2. Esoknya kuar lah lagu sendawa. Bole tahan jgk... sbb masa sahur tu dh berperang dgn sendawa tu and sbb nk redakan cepat, so sha cepat2 consume gaviscon sblm azan Subuh. 

So that was pretty good experience okey. Kena kenal badan masing2.

Lagi satu kan..minuman sejuk berais. Ramai yg tak bole tahan kan... termasuk lah sha. Amazingly bila start jus saderi ni kan, walaupun tak cukup 5 hari... sha dah start berkira2 nk minum minuman berais, bergas, caffeine... minum jgk tapi berpada2. Bkn macam dlu, minum dan minum lagi... sedap sgt air ais tu lagi2 la cendol la, cendol durian la, ABC Special la.... mcm2 lagi lah uolss lg pakar. 

So those craving dah berkurangan. Sbb bila consume mmg rasa BEZA. Performance impaired. Badan mcm rasa beratttt jee... Bila consistent minum air2 yg sihat suam.. ENERGY tu rasa level 100% aje. So apa2 urusan nk buat pun inshaallah senang je nk settle. Bateri FULL katakan.

Begitulah kisah pendek & benar. Supaya bole bg manfaat utk mereka yg mencari posting2 or testimoni bagi memulakan perjalanan hidup sihat dgn plant-based food ni okey.. buatlah dgn niat yg betul. Allah beri nikmat badan yg sihat. Kita kena jaga amanah tu.. inshaallah. Smg bertambah kualiti ibadah dan kehidupan kita serta byk lg manfaat bole kita berikan utk ummah. Inshaallah...

Yang paling penting, catatan bole jadi rujukan diri sendiri di masa depan. 

Belum lagi kisah membayam sebulan Ramadhan & ENERGY masa solat dari marghib ke Terawih. Tambah lagi training utk 10km race stp malam pd thn 2011. Itu kita cerita lain kali ye. Inshaallah.

Salam kemenangan utk yg otw ke plant-based journey, 

Cik shac

9 Mac 2021


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

“LOSS”. -your story could BE other people lesson


Selasa, 20 Jamadil akhir 1442H, 2 Feb 2021

The highlight of today is LOSS. Tgh drive at T Junctions, yg nak membelok ke kanan...i drive straight ahead walaupun nampak kereta dari arah kanan yang akan lalu di depan. Alhamdulillah dia hon & my husband mcm sergah kenapa tak berhenti. I mcm blur sekejap. Seriously mcm di awang2an. Nampak & dengar cuma tak dapat nak respon secara normal. I sendiri pun terkejut. Kenapa i am not in control. Alhamdulillah, semuanya selamat. Dgn izin Allah.

So lps tu terfikir2, apa sebenarnya yg terjadi?

And ade jugak, lately... cashier sebut harga tapi i dengar lain? Bila dia betulkan, baru la i ter.. “ohhh.. sorry”.

Frankly, i tak rasa stress ke ape at the momentum or before the event. Tapi tak tau la actual. Sometimes the brain in denial state of mind, tapi badan penat, rehat tak cukup which lead to stress.... i dont know!

Apa pun, amalkan baca Al Mathurat, surah Yassin & sedekah subuh setiap pagi. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi kita.

What happen today dijadikan pengajaran supaya lebih ALERT DGN SURROUNDING especially when you drive!

Alhamdulillah Allah selamatkan diri ini.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Writing YOUR life’s Journey so that you can reflect and others can learn from it.


24 Jan 2021, Sunday, 11 Jamadil Akhir 1442H 

Today we end our last class for this semester with Test2. Before the test as usual, we will cover the last Topic. During this time, since March 2020... all our class were held ONLINE. Due to this outbreak that caused the whole world implemented the New Norm. Just in case somebody in FUTURE read this, they would understand this in ONLINE CLASS due to the outbreak not the usual class, face to face that we used to attend.

So before the class end, we do some Q&A session. And I asked my lecturer, the topic that would cover in Test2 since he mentioned different topic just now. And he said, the B topic not the A topic. And he told us not to follow what he said in his previous class. So it was a last minute changes, and as a student we just follow and do the revision on the latest topic that he mentioned.

Alhamdulillah I completed the Test2 successfully and what a relief. And now preparation for the Final Test. 

Later that evening, we watched THE LIFTBOY movie and had our conversation about our day. I was so grateful that my husband managed to handle our kids while i was concentrating on the class and seat for the test. And my husband share his previous experiences of completing part time study on those days. Most of it about how bad is the experience but he did also mentioned good and happy time.

The word that mostly come out in our conversation was “sepatutnya” .. I told him that my lecturer was angry with me when i ask for clarification purpose. And he said .. “sepatutnya”.. and he experience almost the similar scenario as well. 

I am not saying that the lecturer must apologize for the last minute changes. I just wanted to say as a student, we are not perfect as well and we do make mistakes, we tend to forget and do last minutes changes as well. And my lecturer is a human like me as well. We are all imperfect.

What i am trying to say is ALWAYS BE CONSIDERATE eventhough YOU ARE RIGHT. No matter who you are. Especially if you are a student. No matter what, PLEASE BE POLITE. Your lecturer may get you wrongly. You may think that you are RIGHT but remember JAGA ADAB.

JAGA ADAB. JAGA AKHLAK. Bukan sebab kita betul membuatkan kita disrespect others. Adab dan akhlak nombor satu. Paling utama, Rasulullah SAW di utuskan untuk kita menjadi hamba ALLAH yang berakhlak mulia. Bila sesuatu yang tak best approach kita, kitalah yang memilih utk deal with it dgn akhlak yang mulia or sebaliknya. Yang pasti org yg berakhlak mulia sentiasa mulia di sisi Allah.

Perjalanan hidup kita bole jadi masih panjang atau singkat sbb kematian itu UNKNOWN. Jadi hidupkan lah sunnah Rasulullah SAW.  Amalkan life style ISLAM dgn sebenar2nya dan sentiasa baiki niat.

Shac doakan, semua yg pernah mengajar Shac secara formal or informal sentiasa di berkati Allah. Semoga Shac juga dapat menjadi hambaNya yg berakhlak mulia spt mana indahnya akhlak Rasulullah SAW. 

Amiin Ya Rabb.


Note : pls ignore all the typo due to this auto-suggested keyboard.