Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to Stick to Your Goals Even If You Never Could

One of my biggest struggles is finishing something that I started.

I would always be excited and have all this energy in the beginning, but like a child with a new toy, the excitement fades away and the goal doesn’t seem worth doing anymore so I would just give it up and move on to the next exciting thing.

Although there is nothing wrong with having a lot of ideas, I wasn’t accomplishing the things I wanted to achieve by starting so many new projects and goals. I was actually diluting my efforts and wasting my time because I would never reach my desired outcome.

I have now learned a great way to stick to my goals. It came to me after I heard this classic story:

It’s the middle ages and there were 3 stone masons hard at work when a visitor stopped and asks each of them “What are you doing?”

The first stone mason said in a harsh voice, “Can’t you see? I’m carrying rocks!”
The second stone mason replied in a more resigned voice, “I’m building a wall.”
The last stone mason responded with enthusiasm, “I am building a beautiful cathedral that will glorify God for centuries to come.”

Who do you think felt the most fulfilled? Who would you bet on to achieve their goal?

Now every time I set or evaluate a goal, I ask myself the question “What are you doing?” and I listen to my answer. I have discovered personally that when I see the bigger purpose behind my goals, it is much easier to do what it takes to achieve it even if I don’t feel like doing it. If the goal doesn’t have a bigger purpose, then it is not worth doing because I’ve come to learn that time is my most precious resource.

So … what are you doing?


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