Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Methods For Igniting Your Daily Motivation

Create a desire. See yourself benefiting from your efforts. Visualize how you will feel after your motivation kept you going to complete a task you didn't think you could do.

Create pain. If you can have yourself feel the pain of not doing something from a lack of motivation. Imagine a fight between you and your wife all because you never got the lawn mowed. The motivation of avoiding a fight might just give you the motivation to mow the lawn.

Talk about your plans. Talking about getting something accomplished that really needs to be done may also spark you into action.

Have a true interest. Associate what you have to get done with some type of pleasure. It may be pleasing your wife is a strong enough motivator to get you up and moving. We all know a happy wife makes for a happy life.

Have energy. You need some energy to have daily motivation. Exercise, sleep well and maintain a positive attitude, these will all help your level of energy.

Create the proper mental state. Positive thinking will help you stay motivated. If you concentrate on the negatives it is almost impossible to stay motivated.

Take a small step. Any small step towards your goals feeds your daily motivation. What ever the task is, start by doing just something small and easy just to get yourself going.

Daily Motivation killers!

The first motivation killer is a lack of confidence. When you only think about what you want, your mind creates explanations for why you aren’t getting it.

This creates negative thoughts. Past failures, bad breaks, and personal weaknesses dominate your mind. You become jealous of other people and start making excuses for why you can’t succeed.

In this state, you tend to make a bad impression, assume the worst about others, and lose self confidence.

The way to get out of this thought pattern is to focus on gratitude. Set aside time to focus on everything positive in your life.

Make a mental list of your strengths, past successes, and current advantages. We tend to take our strengths for granted and dwell on our failures.

By making an effort to feel grateful, you’ll realize how competent and successful you already are. This will rejuvenate your confidence and get you motivated to build on your current success.

The second motivation killer is a lack of focus. How often do you focus on what you don’t want, rather than focusing on a goal?

We normally think in terms of fear. We will focus on the fear of being poor or that of being alone, you may think that no one respects you. This negativity just allows your fears to feed of itself and this drains your motivation.

You can defeat this by focusing on a well planned out goal. This can spark some action and get your mind back on positive thoughts. Thoughts of success. Success is a very strong motivator. When we focus on our successes we become motivated to create even more.

Daily motivation towards successful outcomes allows your mind to grow. When you get your mind focused on success it starts to bring good things into your life.

The last thing that will kill your motivation is lack of direction. Unlike lack of focus, with lack of direction you know what your goal is or what you must get done but you have no plan to accomplish it.

In order to take action your must have direction, a schedule of actions to take in order to reach any type of success. For every goal there are actions you must take. These actions need to be put down in order of a plan, once you have a plan of actions you are more likely to get started. Use these daily motivation tips to help you achieve all your goals.

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